Two professionals in a meeting discussing mineral rights in a corporate office.

How to Buy Mineral Rights?

The United States is made up of approximately 2.3 billion acres, which 375 million of those acres make up Alaska and 1.9 billion make up the lower 48 states.


11 Smart Reasons to Get a Professional Mineral Appraisal

Over the past 15 years, mineral and royalty interest values have skyrocketed as this asset class has become highly sought after by investors.

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Mineral Management Companies – What Do They Do and Are They Right For You?

Who are Mineral Managers and Mineral Management Companies? Mineral Management Companies (MMC) are typically made up of oil and gas professionals such as Landmen, Attorneys, Accountants, Estate Planners, and possibly Geologists and Reservoir Engineers. Although it is not required, Mineral Managers (MM) may have an additional mineral management certification called a CMM. Having this certificate […]


How much do mineral rights sell for in the Austin Chalk South Texas?

A lot of factors go into this answer, however, much of the value for minerals and royalties in the Austin Chalk depend on timing and when new wells are going to be drilled and what the price per barrel of oil and price per mcf of natural gas at present time and potentially what it […]


How much do mineral rights sell for in the Eagle Ford South Texas?

A lot of factors go into this answer. They might be worth a lot more than you think or they might be worth significantly less. Today, the Eagle Ford is still some of the most sought-after acreage in the U.S. Acreage prices have since come down and stabilized for the most part, albeit, depending on […]


How much do mineral rights sell for in the Permian Basin?

As it goes for every sought after investment, a lot of factors go into this answer. They might be worth a lot more than you think or they might be worth significantly less depending on a few basic pieces to the puzzle. Mineral and royalty buyers today are still looking for and paying very good […]


7 Smart Reasons to Sell your Mineral & Royalty Rights

There are any number of reasons why an individual, family, family trust, company, or institution might want/need to divest some or even all their mineral and royalty assets. Here are a few of our own that you can consider:   1. Diversification and Portfolio Restructuring Most every person or entity with mineral and royalty […]

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In-House vs. Independent Landman: Which One is Best?

In-House Landmen and women are employed by an oil and gas firm or corporation. They are not allowed to, and do not, receive bonus payments or royalty dividends since their duty is to represent the company they work for. They do all the necessary legwork under the direction and management of the company they represent. […]

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1031 Exchanges – Deferred Taxes, Anyone?

One way to defer capital gains tax on the sale of royalty or mineral interests is through a 1031 Exchange. 1031 refers to the section in the IRS code that allows mineral owners to defer capital gains taxes on the sale of their mineral or royalty rights when exchanged for another qualifying property. The 1031 […]

Gravel sorter machinery. Mineral and royalty management with a trusted company.

Dividing family mineral and royalty estate – what you should know

Dividing up family interests is a common practice for any number of reasons, and can be considered an advantage for all parties. Separation of family oil and gas assets can arise for any number of reasons: Family members pass on and their interests need to be divided among heirs Interests were held in a family […]