
Do I really need an appraisal?

Drew is a new owner of minerals and royalties in Karnes County and told me he has heard conflicting stories about whether an appraisal is necessary and wanted to set the record straight on what he should do. I explained to him that first, there are two types of appraisals – Current and Retrospective. Current […]


How do I know if the offers I’m getting are good?

Roger contacted me to discuss the numerous phone calls he was receiving for his mineral interests in Midland County that he has owned for almost four years. This wasn’t the first time he’s been contacted by a mineral buyer but it’s the first time in a long time he’s been contacted to buy his interests. […]

Discussion between buyers and sellers in a business meeting setting.

Why is it so hard for buyers and sellers to agree on a price?

Mineral buyers will try to entice mineral and royalty interest owners with a super fast and surprisingly simple way of valuing their assets with a “mineral and royalty calculator”.