Services We Offer

Venergy Momentum is a private and progressive oil and gas consulting firm serving land, mineral, royalty, and non-op working interest owners in the South Texas Eagle Ford Shale and Austin Chalk, Haynesville Shale, West Texas, New Mexico Permian Basin, Bakken Shale, Utica/Marcellus Shale, Niobrara Shale, Barnett Shale, and Woodford Shale.

Are mineral buyers contacting you to buy your interests?

We can help you evaluate their offers.

How can you be sure the offer is fair and legitimate? Does the contract align with the offer, or does it expose you to hidden risks?

Having a trusted advocate on your side ensures your best interests are protected—that’s where we come in. We provide expert evaluations of the offers you receive. Before making a decision or signing anything, reach out to us for guidance.

Top Quality Mineral and Royalty Appraisal Services

Venergy Momentum is a locally owned and operated company with over 17 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. We offer the best and most comprehensive mineral and royalty appraisal services. Since every client situation and needs are different, we give the utmost care and attention tailored to you and your goals. Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our top priorities!

Mineral Rights Value

How much do
mineral rights sell for?

Selling Your Mineral Rights

A lot of factors go into this answer. They can be worth a lot more than you think or they can be a lot less. Getting a professional mineral appraisal is the best way to find out. Without one, you could miss out on potential opportunities, make unnecessary mistakes when negotiating a lease or when selling some or all of your minerals and/or royalties.

Inherited Mineral Rights

What do I need to do if I
inherited mineral & royalty rights?


Inheriting Mineral Rights

If you inherited your minerals and royalties, it is most likely you will need a Retrospective Appraisal based on the date of inheritance to determine their value. Trust us, your accountant will ask you for this value for tax purposes.

The Only Source of Knowledge is Experience.

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Real Life Stories

Case Stories

How do I know if the offers I'm getting are good?

“Should I hold out for a better offer?” This is one of the most common scenarios a mineral and royalty owner encounters when considering selling. Find out how Venergy helped Roger with his Midland County assets.

Do I really need an appraisal?

Obtaining a value for your assets can sometimes be a choice or a necessity. Find out what Drew, a new mineral and royalty owner, learned about appraisals from Venergy.

We provide the best mineral & royalty services


Years of Experience

We provide the best
mineral & royalty


Years of


Results Are The Only Thing That Matter

We’ve been bravely producing results through the highs and lows of the industry for over the past decade and have been involved in over $250MM in oil and gas asset transactions. 

Venergy Momentum is dedicated to closing deals for mineral and royalty owners that can change their lives. We  know who to call, what to look for and have the tenacity and know-how to get results.


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